To locate a nearby AAA office, please use your mobile phone or other device to search for the AAA office closest to your location. You will be required to show your current home club membership card in order to obtain services from AAA. Your service call will be routed to the appropriate territory based on where you are located. The phone number for AAA's Emergency Road Service is 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-80) within the U.S. Recreation vehicles (RVs) and motorcycles are not covered by these BASIC road services. With AAA, the membership cardholder is covered for emergency road service, not the car. Follow this link for more details on BASIC Emergency Roadside Assistance. If visiting for 90 days or less, you are entitled to BASIC Emergency Roadside Assistance. Additional resources can also be found by following this link: Benefits for AAA Members Traveling Overseas.
NOTE: If you are a AAA member, click here to enter the zip code to access your local club's website. AAA Benefits for International Members Traveling to the United States